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Salary Calculator

Tax Compensation Data You Can Trust

The TaxTalent Salary Calculator is the most accurate and targeted online resource for benchmarking tax compensation. We built the salary calculator based on a need that tax professionals had for accessing specific compensation data and for tax students to have a better understanding of salary ranges for different types of tax careers. 

The data supplied from the tax salary calculator is critical for making informed career decisions and to help educate tax, financial and HR leadership on the market value of specific tax positions based on the quantifiable and comparable information.

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The salary calculator also works in conjunction with more in-depth Benchmark Compensation Studies and our Cost of Living Index, which we highly recommended for attracting and retaining key tax department positions. For job seekers, our Cost of Living Index also allows you to quickly and easily calculate the minimum salary necessary to maintain your current standard of living when moving anywhere in the United States. We recognize that not everyone can afford personalized salary studies, so we created the salary calculator as part of your free TaxTalent membership

You can run any number of salary comparatives providing you with personal and management flexibility to gather the compensation data you need to make more informed decisions. Getting this type of compensation data specifically for tax is virtually impossible from any other source. 

Now, you have an on-demand salary resource that can help you better plan and execute the career moves and advancements you deserve.

Get started with the TaxTalent salary calculator today with your FREE TaxTalent membership. For more information on a comprehensive salary benchmark for any of your top 20% tax positions, we encourage you to explore our Benchmark Compensation Studies or call one of our tax salary specialists at 843-216-7444


  • 3850 Bessemer Rd.
    Suite 110
    Mount Pleasant, SC 29466

  • Phone: 843.216.7444
  • Fax: 843.216.7799
  • support@taxtalent.com

The Tax Community that Puts You in Control of Your Career

TaxTalent is the online career and leadership development portal for tax professionals. Membership includes free access to expert coaches, mentors, resources, content and valuable tools for both career and leadership growth. TaxTalent segments members into five career phases based on the number of years in the tax profession. This ensures the delivery of accurate, relevant and timely career development and department optimization support from student education to retirement succession.
